
Most Common Questions

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    Where are the cookies made?

    Mr. Nelson’s Cookies® are made in a small, custom-made bakery on the edge of the Tonto National Forest at the…

    by Mr. Nelson
  • faqs

    Why the “batch number” and the “Fran” signature?

    Francis (“Fran” – to his friends) Nelson Beebe is an artisan baker.  His cookies are made in small quantities (batches.) …

    by Mr. Nelson
  • faqs

    Who makes the chocolate chip cookies?

    First, there really is a “Mr. Nelson.”  And he is the only person who makes his cookies.  In fact, he…

    by Mr. Nelson
  • faqs

    Why only chocolate chip cookies?

    Mr. Nelson is one of the few formally and classically-trained chefs who consider chocolate chip cookies as one of the…

    by Mr. Nelson